NY400 in 2009

The Hudson Year and the Breukelen-Brooklyn connection

In 2009 it was 400 years ago that the Dutch discovered the island of Manhattan and founded the colony of New Amsterdam there. It later became New York. NY400 also became a nice milestone for Breukelen and Brooklyn...

Breukelen became Brooklyn for a while

The city signs of Breukelen were changed for a week to the American spelling: Brooklyn. This news even made the NOS News. Various American activities were organized in Breukelen during NY400: a window display contest for shopkeepers, Americana during the Jaarmarkt, concerts and performances in Boom en Bosch, a rap evening in Brooklyn center for tongues. And an impressive lecture by Russel Shorto at Nyenrode. Also a highlight was the arrival of Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz with his delegation. At the Original Brooklyn Bridge, he met various Breukel entrepreneurs.

City council on an excursion

An important highlight of #NY400 was the visit of the almost entire city council of Breukelen to New York. The organization of the Hudson Year had put together an appealing programme. The council and college members not only visited various Dutch destinations in Brooklyn, but also became acquainted with the administrators of the Borough, the Brooklyn Historical Society and various administrators of Dutch heritage in the former New Breuckelen (now: Brooklyn). In Cor van Zadelhoff's Lemsteraak, the Breukelse delegation sailed extensively through the New York waters.
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